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lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Differences between SER and ESTAR


Deciding whether to use ser or estar is an issue that often causes confusion for Spanish learners because both of them translate into English as the same thing – to be -, but they are used in different ways to express different things.
For example:

Estar + aburrido.
Estar + guapa.
Ser + aburrido.
Ser + guapa.

When to use "SER"

"Ser" is generally used if the following adjective is an unchanging characteristic of the person, thing or place that you are describing. It is used:
-to express physical description, personality traits, profession, nationality, race, gender, etc.
Es muy alto. (He is very tall.)
Son traductores en la empresa. (They are translators in the company.)
Es sincero. (He is honest.)
Es española. (She is Spanish.)
Son de Portugal. (They are from Portugal.)
Es mujer. (She is a woman.)
-to express dates, days, seasons, time, when events "take place"
Mañana es sábado. (Tomorrw is Saturday.)
Es otoño. (It is autumn.)
Son las 6 de la mañana. (It is 6:00 in the morning.)
El concierto fue ayer. (The concert was yesterday.)
-to express what something is made of
Mi camisa es de seda. (My shirt is made of silk.)
La mesa es de madera. (The table is made of wood.)
-to express possession
El libro es de mi padre. (The book is my father's.)
El perro es mío. (The dog is mine.)
Son de la misma familia. (They are of the same family.)

When to use "ESTAR"

In general, we use "estar" to describe a mood, appearance or state of being. It is used:
-to express feelings/emotions, physical conditions, civil status
Estoy aburrido en el colegio. (I am bored at school.)
Están muy contentos. (They are very happy.)
El mosquito está muerto. (The mosquito is dead.)
Mi prima está embarazada. (My cousin is pregnant.)
Mi hermana está casado. (My sister is married.)
-to express the location of people or things (not events)
El libro está encima de la mesa. (The book is on the table.)
El banco está en el parque. (The bench is in the park.)
Ahora mismo están en París. (Right now they are in Paris.)
Estamos en el autobús. (We are in the bus.)
-with the Spanish progressive tenses (in English, "to be" + verb-ing)
Estamos bajando las escaleras. (We are going down the stairs.)
Están estudiando. (They are studying.)

Está cocinando. (She is cooking.)


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